How many sundays are there in February 2059
List of Sundays in February 2059
There are 4 sundays in february 2059, these are the dates for each one of them:
Date | Day count in 2059 | Days remaining in 2059 | Week number | |
First sunday of february 2059: |
February 2 | 33 | 333 | 5 |
Second sunday of february 2059: |
February 9 | 40 | 326 | 6 |
Third sunday of february 2059: |
February 16 | 47 | 319 | 7 |
Fourth sunday of february 2059: |
February 23 | 54 | 312 | 8 |
Check a february 2059 calendar to get a more comprehensive view of the dates in the month.